How do you get git-annex installed?
From a prebuilt version on this website (21%)
I build from source (9%)
I install the version provided by my OS distributor (33%)
I don't know; it was installed for me (0%)
homebrew -> cabal (4%)
from the ubuntu PPA (5%)
The version from the Arch Linux AUR (6%)
From official debian repositories (18%)
debian testing or sid on Ubuntu (0%)
Compiling from source sucks if one needs to build the haskell compiler first (which unlike c/c++-compilers are not standard) (0%)
FreeBSD port (0%)
Gentoo, so I use the version provided by the gentoo-haskell overlay, yet I compile it (0%)
Total votes: 332
If you install it using different methods at different times, pick the method you use most frequently.